Become an MBacc School

Our MBacc partner schools look toward the future and strive for resilience. The diverse expertise and shared experience of the Minerva team ensure the process is thoughtful, the solutions are relevant, and the results have a profound impact.

MBacc implementations are strategically integrated with existing curricula to ensure full program, student, teacher, and school success. Our team provides guidance to your school on interweaving experiential programs with the MBacc curriculum, connecting existing programs and support systems, and on raising MBacc awareness within your school’s community. For new and existing programs, our team provides assets, guidelines, and guidance to reach and inspire all stakeholders.

Implementation begins with thorough preparation for academic staff, support staff, and faculty, including a series of foundational training and practice teaching sessions prior to the academic year. Once classes begin, we provide ongoing technical, academic, and operational support, as well as impact measurement and analysis. Implementation of the program is supported and sustained for the lifetime of the partnership.

Extended benefits with no added personnel needed

As an MBacc school, there are no additional personnel commitments or class time needed to benefit your students, teachers, school, and community. All partners receive instructor training in the Fully Active Learning methodology, technological empowerment through Forum™, curriculum enhancement that integrates into standards-based curricula, with a focus on transdisciplinary skills development, and improved graduate outcomes.

Minerva Baccalaureate certification program

In addition to the direct benefits derived from enhanced service, the certification program provides indirect benefits through Minerva's public endorsement of each school's work and the achievements of their students, including the Minerva Baccalaureate diploma badge. Students who complete the Minerva Baccalaureate program will be identified as such on their official Minerva diplomas with a prominent badge. This imprimatur assures readers of the diploma, such as college admissions boards, that the student's academic performance has been authenticated and externally validated.

We are thrilled to be partnering with Minerva to push beyond traditional educational models and engage students holistically, offering advanced levels of knowledge with a real-life application. Never before in history have students and families had this kind of educational value proposition.
Jonghwan Patrick Park
Founder, Chairman, and CEO
Elite Education Group

The Minerva Baccalaureate improves class engagement and learning outcomes, preparing students to be more effective leaders, innovators, and global citizens.

Join us in reimagining the future of secondary education.
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